What Is the Procedure for Reviewing Medical Records Before Surgery

Two People Sitting on Couch In Grief After News of Loved OneWhen a loved ane dies, family unit members tin can be faced with much confusion as well as myriad unanswered questions about the passing itself. What is more is that the circumstances that surround the expiry of a person may not exist clear-cut, straightforward, or altogether obvious, leaving survivors wondering what actually happened.

This is especially true in situations where an individual was receiving medical treatment, underwent surgical procedures, or the similar, prior to their death—and the timing just does non experience correct.  If there are questions most the person's death that are not beingness answered past their doctor, it is also normal to feel as if they may be hiding something, and suspicious thoughts nigh what really occurred may arise. In this circumstance, yous and your family may start to wonder if yous should have legal action and file a medical malpractice lawsuit against the attending physician or physicians.

Nevertheless, it may exist hard to truly know if you accept a case or not—and if the physician fabricated an error or was negligent…or if it was something else entirely.

This is where a medical record review could assist yous empathise if you have a instance that will hold up in court.

What is a Medical Tape Review?

There is no need to feel similar you are existence ignored or overlooked by your loved one'southward doctor. Instead, if you lot feel that in that location could be underlying medical malpractice or negligence that led to your loved one'southward expiry, it is important to confer with a forensic consultant who has experience in serving every bit a medical malpractice expert witness and in conducting medical record reviews.

During a medical record review, the forensic consultant, who typically is too a board-certified forensic pathologist, will analyze and evaluate your loved one's medical records. These medical records will provide information from when they were living and undergoing treatment to their expiry and are gathered by the legal adjacent of kin. With the medical records in mitt, the forensic pathologist can answer basic questions every bit to how the person passed away and what caused the person'due south death. However, detailed questions equally to the treatment and proper intendance are all-time answered by specialists in the field that deal with living people, such as an internal medicine md or a cardiologist if there is a question well-nigh the treatment for middle disease.  From there, the forensic consultant will counterbalance all of the information that they are provided with and and so offer their professional stance as to whether they believe medical malpractice occurred.

If you are considering litigation pursuant to your loved one'southward passing, a medical tape review is typically the recommended and logical second step. The first step is hiring a lawyer before reaching out to a forensic pathologist to review the death of a loved one.

What Type of Documents Are Examined During a Medical Record Review?

The term "medical record" can indeed be an all-encompassing one and be related to many documents associated with a patient's care and treatment. For instance, during a medical record review, the family will demand to request the post-obit:

  • The deceased person'due south medical records
  • Facility records from the place or places where your loved one was receiving treatment
  • Written, electronic, and other formats of communication between your family, healthcare staff members, and facility representatives
  • Internal communications that involved facility representatives and the attention doc, staff members, and other agents

One time these documents are gathered, and in possession of the forensic consultant, the medical records will be reviewed, and certain data will be sought out.  Answers to other questions will also be pursued, including:

  • Do the medical records present any inconsistencies? This is specially of import when because internal communications amidst medical staff and the physician and what, ultimately, was conveyed to the family unit members of the patient.
  • Do any errors appear to be nowadays in the medical records or other documentation?

Examining all of these pieces volition allow the forensic consultant to make an informed conclusion as to whether medical malpractice is to arraign for the individual'southward death—or if no medical errors or negligence occurred.

Medical Tape Review Services Provided by Dr. Chundru

Dr. Satish Chundru is a board-certified forensic pathologist who is a recognized expert in offering medical tape reviews.  His scope of service aims to assistance families as well every bit medical practitioners, hospitals, and insurers.   Furthermore, Dr. Chundru is able to consult with clients all over the United States in the area of medical record review and has the capability of examining the following types of records to assess the why and how behind the death of a patient.  Dr. Chundru volition offer an expert opinion that is based on years of experience, training, and cognition in the field of forensic pathology.

Types of Medical Records Reviewed past Dr. Chundru

It is important to understand that medical records are typically incredibly all-encompassing, no affair if y'all are referencing a good for you, living private or someone who went through a fatigued-out medical treatment procedure.  Equally such, yous demand a professional who has a background in practicing medicine and who is capable of understanding and translating all of the medical jargon while also post-obit the progression of treatment and is able to understand what was washed and when.

Dr. Chundru tin can review and potentially explain the following:

  • Medical Chronologies: Simply put, the medical chronology offers a listing of an individual's medical history. This tape is offered as a chronological listing of events that occur within a patient's medical history. Additionally, a medical chronology is designed to exist concise, offering only facts without injecting bias or the opinion of the person who compiled the document and provides insight into the patient's overall handling flow. A medical chronology will typically be written in such a manner where it is easy to read by people who do not have medical training or understanding of medical jargon or autograph.   The medical chronology will as well contain a pre-existing history of the patient, which could include medical history, surgical history, family history, social history (such as alcohol, nicotine, and drug utilise), and any allergies that the patient had.
  • Timeline of Key Events: This is a reference document that describes an overview of when certain treatments, procedures, medications, and the similar were administered or performed on a patient. The timeline of key events volition outline all important events that could be central to understanding why a patient passed abroad and if there were any errors made or negligence on behalf of the healthcare provider or facility.
  • Identification of Deviations in Standards of Care: As information technology relates only to a patient who has died, Dr. Chundru has the power to identify any type of deviation in medical intendance that was not usual in a clinical setting. He will make up one's mind if the standard of care or treatment protocol administered to the patient fell exterior traditional and normal standards of intendance. It is necessary to show that the medical provider did not deliver the expected level of care or their methods deviated from normal practice.
  • Causation Assessment: Depending on the blazon of case that is being pursued, Dr. Chundru's abilities to serve as an adept may vary.  However, causation is a legal term that refers to required proof related to a particular issue stemming from a specific action in the deceased patient's handling or medical plan.   Ultimately, through causation assessment, the political party that suffered the injury that resulted in expiry must prove that this happened because of an error or because of negligence on behalf of the attending physician, healthcare staff, or medical facility.  Depending on the situation and the type of medical malpractice instance that is beingness pursued, sometimes, causation can be extremely hard to prove.
  • Identification of Mitigating Factors: Again, Dr. Chundru's expertise in this regard is dependent upon the blazon of case and circumstances. This relates to any circumstance or fact that lessens the severity or culpability related to medical negligence or indication that an mistake has been fabricated. For example, mitigating factors might include the fact that the patient did non follow treatment protocols as prescribed, engaged in drug or booze use that interacted with medications, or did something else that lessened the potential of realizing a positive outcome from their medical handling.
  • Alternative Causation Analysis: Dependent over again on the type of case and circumstances, Dr. Chundru could have the potential to place an alternative cause of death when reviewing medical records as opposed to the initial crusade offered by the attending dr., healthcare team, or medical facility. This opinion could then be used against the treating md's testimony if a medical malpractice suit is pursued.
  • Draw the Standard of Care: Related specifically to the field of forensics and not any other field, Dr. Chundru could potentially describe the standard of care related to relevant forensic issues.
  • Appraise the Severity of the Injury: Medical records can be examined and reviewed in gild to bear witness the timeline associated with the injury that resulted in death, the cost of medical bills, and the overall touch on information technology had on the patient'due south life and potential future earnings, etc. Ultimately, this volition serve as evidence that the situation that resulted from erroneous or negligent care was non related to a pre-existing status or another health complaint.
  • Determine Case Merit: When you take an skillful review medical records of a deceased loved i, they can assess whether your potential claim has merit and could stand up upwards in a courtroom of law. In this regard, Dr. Chundru can examine all necessary information to ensure that a example does non accept potential flaws that could be exposed down the road and lead to the case existence thrown out of court. Determining case merit before a lawsuit is filed presents the potential of saving time and money in example the claim proves meritless.
  • Screen Cases for Merit: The merit review procedure for a medical malpractice merits involves obtaining the patient's medical history and documenting the individual's story to identify healthcare facilities, providers, the timeline, etc. It likewise involves assessing the claim and comparing it to medical literature to provide an objective stance.
  • Build Medical Chronologies and Timelines: Dr. Chundru can organize and compile medical chronologies and timelines based upon the gathered medical records of the deceased patient. This can help reduce the amount of time needed to review medical records and tin can maintain the integrity of the original documents every bit received by the healthcare facilities, etc. In building the medical chronology and timelines, sure details will be indexed and organized, including the fourth dimension symptoms occurred, investigations leading to diagnosis, the treatment line provided, treatment outcomes and changes in medications, insight on missing records and breaks in treatments, and other potential situations surrounding the patient'due south death.
  • Address the Necessity and Ceremoniousness of Case, Causality, and Relatedness: Medical records can be reviewed to sympathise and communicate the case'south necessity and appropriateness and offer a decision on whether at that place is a reasonable possibility that the medical treatment or plan of care received by the deceased ultimately led to or is related to the adverse event.  Dr. Chundru can offer an independent, expert opinion based on the records reviewed, evidence-based guidelines, and cess of the actions taken past the attending physician, healthcare team, or medical facility.
  • Identifying Factors that Crusade Declared Damages or Injuries: Dr. Chundru tin can examine a patient'southward medical records to identify factors that include accident issues, illness, medical products, pharmaceutical issues, gaps in medical records or poor recordkeeping, surgical errors, delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis, and other concerns that could have played a role in the negative outcome that was experienced.

Why Are Authentic Medical Records So Important?

Medical record keeping is essentially a science unto itself—and it is so important that these documents exist handled accurately and effectively. They are the only way that a dr. can properly convey that a patient's care was managed correctly and according to diagnosis and plan. Ultimately, if in that location are gaps in medical records or if the medical records that are reviewed subsequently a patient's death pb to more than questions, then this could strengthen and amend the merit of a medical negligence claim.

What Happens After the Medical Record Review is Complete?

Later the medical record review is complete, it is normal to wonder about what happens side by side. As such, this marks the fourth dimension to interpret the results.  Of grade, as this is likely an emotionally charged and sensitive situation, understanding the medical record review's findings can experience intimidating.

It is of import to know that even though the information independent in the records is highly technical, medically focused, and scientific, the forensic consultant y'all partner with in this endeavor will exist there to interpret the information and simplify it for you lot.

Should you decide to work with Dr. Chundru on this matter, he will ensure that you sympathize—in layman's terms—the circumstances related to your loved ane'due south death if there was an error or negligence.

Dr. Chundru will also prepare the findings for review by legal professionals who might be studying the materials in relation to a time to come medical malpractice lawsuit besides every bit other medical professionals who may be charged with appraising the data on behalf of a plaintiff or defendant—or if they are asked to serve as an expert witness.

The findings will contain the appropriate language and terminology needed in a legal or medical setting—while too breaking down complex terms, so they are easy to sympathise by you and your family.

Is a Medical Record Review Still Required if No Lawsuit is Filed?

Of course, a medical malpractice suit may not be filed in every situation—and medical malpractice is not the cause of every person'due south death. However, medical record reviews, in any situation, can potentially assistance loved ones find closure and answer questions about their family fellow member's passing. A medical tape review can be a helpful first step in moving on.

Achieve Out to Dr. Chundru for a Medical Record Review

If you have recently faced the death of a loved ane and have outstanding questions about the reason behind the passing or feel that an error or negligent medical care could be involved in the situation, reach out to Dr. Chundru and learn how he can assistance y'all. He is capable of completing a medical record review in all l states and welcomes the opportunity to assist you equally you seek peace of mind in this troubling endeavor.


Source: https://theforensicdoc.com/purpose-medical-record-review-can-help-case/

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